proton a sub-atomic particle with a positive charge and a mass of 1 amu neutron a sub-atomic particle with a neutral charge and a mass of 1 amu electron a sub-atomic particle with a negative charge and a mass much less than 1 amu Triboelectric Series Materials ranked in order of their ability to hold or give up electrons. current The flow of electrons, measured in amperes voltage electrical potential measured in volts Conductors material through which electric current flows easily Resistance The opposition to the flow of an electric current measured in ohms Direct Current current that passes in the same direction constantly Alternating Current current that is always changing direction Oersted a person whodiscovered that a moving charge creates a magnetic field If we have a circuit with a x Ohm resistor and a 12 volt battery, what is the current? What is the resistance of circuit with a voltage of 6.0 volts and a current of x amps? An electrical device is rated at x watts. Assuming that your deviceis plugged into a 115-volt outlet, how much current will flow through the device at full power?