How to Log On to a WebCT 3.x Course

MyWebCT is a central location where students and instructors can see a list of courses in which they are registered and access all courses from one page. Clicking a particular course name allows you to access that course without re-entering your User Name and Password. You must set up myWebCT on the server where your course resides. The system administrator, the instructor, or the student may set up MyWebCT.
Connect to the Internet, open your browser, and type in the URL sent to you by your instructor or college.
You will see the server's Entry Page.
  • Your instructor HAS NOT given you a WebCT ID and Password, click Create myWebCT and go to Step 3.
entry page
Fill in the requested information on this screen.

You will need to create a WebCT ID and Password. The WebCT ID and Password are case sensitive. No special characters or spaces may be used. A good WebCT ID might be your last name with a number on the end. For example, "thompson23"

Write down your WebCT ID and Password. You will need these every time you log on to myWebCT.

WebCT ID: ________________________

Password: _________________________

  • Click Continue when done.
create myWebCT


A dialog box will prompt you to enter your WebCT ID and Password in order to access myWebCT.
  • If you just created your WebCT ID and Password for myWebCT, enter them in the fields indicated. Remember, they are case sensitive.
  • If you are using the WebCT ID and Password supplied by your college or instructor, enter them here.
Next time you log on to myWebCT you will not have to create a new account. You will simply log on with your established WebCT ID and Password.
Note: Your WebCT ID should be entered in the User Name field in the dialog box.
dialog box
If you are unable to log on to myWebCT
    Recheck your WebCT ID and Password. Make sure you are entering the correct letter case with no spaces. Your WebCT ID and Password must be entered EXACTLY as they were in the set up process. Contact your instructor for assistance
You will now be at your personal myWebCT page.
    The course name for which you are registering is not listed, click Add Course and continue with these instructions.
add course
The Course Listing page shows all of the courses available on this server.
  • Locate the name of your course within a category.  The catagegory is smilczan-physical science 
  • Click the course name or the + sign to add the course.  Use the first of the two physical science courses
select course
To verify your enrollement in the course, WebCT will ask you to enter a User Name and Password.
  • Enter the User ID (User Name) and Password supplied by your  instructor here. These may be different from the WebCT ID and Password that you created for your myWebCT home area.  In each case it is the first letter of your first name followed by your lastname (one word) and the password is "science" (no quotes).
The User ID is used only when adding courses to myWebCT; the WebCT ID is used every time students log on to myWebCT.
add course
WebCT will confirm that the course has been added to myWebCT.

You may now go directly to your course or return to myWebCT.

course added