A large (heavy) and a small (light) sphere are released at the same time from the same height above the ground. Which one of the following quantities associated with the spheres will be the same for both after 1 second, if frictional effects are ignored? A) speed (B) momentum (C) potential energy (D) kinetic energy A 1000.0 kg car stops on top of a 50.0 m hill. How much energy was used in climbing the hill? (A) 50,000 J (B) 9,800 J (C) 20 J (D) 490 kJ or 490,000 J A rocket is fired in space. As it moves, the total momentum of the rocket and its exhaust gases (A) decreases. (B) remains the same. (D) increases. (D) any of the above, depending on the nature of the rocket. A 100-kg astronaut ejects 1 g of gas from her propulsion pistol at a speed of 50 m/s. Her recoil speed is (A) 0.5 mm/s (B) 5 mm/s (C) 5 cm/s (D) 50 cm/s A 40-kg boy runs up a staircase to a floor 5 m higher in 7 s. His power output is Answer 29 W 280 W 1.4 kW 13.7 kW The watt is a unit of (A) energy (B) work (C) momentum (D) power A body of mass 2 kg is dropped from a height of 1m. Its kinetic energy as it touches the ground is _______ 1.19.6 N 2.19.6 J 3.19.6 kg 4.19.6 m Answer: 2 Why do the particles (molecules, atoms) in matter have KE? The particles are always in motion How is this molecular motion related to temperature? The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules move A 78.0 kg student decides to exercise by climbing a hill that rises vertically by 63.6 meters(m). What is the work done by the student? (Your answer will be in Joules. ONLY WRITE THE NUMBER OF JOULES. Do not include a comma or a J for joules.) Answer 48616 Answer range +/- 150 Correct Feedback Work = mgh http://web.fccj.org/~smilczan/psc/Lift.html Incorrect Feedback Work = mgh http://web.fccj.org/~smilczan/psc/Lift.html Add Question Here Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 Question 11 Question 12 Calculated Numeric 1 points Modify Remove Question Using the information from question 11, if the student makes the climb in 200 seconds, what is the power output of the student (in Watts)? Again, only input the number. Do not use a comma or a W in the answer. Answer 243 Answer range +/- 5 Correct Feedback (P=W/t). http://web.fccj.org/~smilczan/psc/Lift.html Incorrect Feedback (P=W/t). http://web.fccj.org/~smilczan/psc/Lift.html